Detoxifying Body Lotion
There comes a time in every person's life when your body rejects you or begins to malfunction. Either due to chronic stress, poor diet, pollutant exposure or a recent infection or injury, your body will try to respond as best as it can. When that response gets overwhelmed, your body can exhibit a variety of symptoms. Most see sensitivities arise, exhaustion becomes more frequent, skin breaks out or becomes irritated, mind loses focus, memory dulls, Candida overwhelms and illness ensues sometimes being diagnosed as a cancer, autoimmune or neurodegenerative disease.Have you been feeling sluggish, achy or moody? What about bloated or have been breaking out more than usual? These and other symptoms can be a sign of a toxic burden and you may benefit from detoxifying and cleansing naturally and gently. Use daily to moisturize the entire body and hit the reset button on your health by helping it cleanse and balance from sickness, autoimmune or other toxic issues.